Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Hair is Still Jet-lagged.


This is at the top of the St. Paul's Cathedral... with my jet-lagged hair... 

Getting on the plane with a fellow London Centre goer, I seriously wondered if it was possible to die of excitement. I had counted down the days to this morning, and it was finally there. I soon learned that dying from excitement is not possible, but I discovered another killer named Jet Lag.

Air New Zealand isn't too shabby. The entertainment was good, the crew was nice, and the vegetarian meals were great! I was even able to get 3 hours of sleep on the 10 hour flight. I may have freaked out a bit as we flew over the coast of Ireland. On the flight, I chatted with the Briton next to me on the plane. He was nice and we talked about my religion. I think it was just casual conversation, but as we got close to landing he asked me how I was getting to my destination from the airport. Immediately, Taken popped into my mind. I nervously replied, "In my own way!" And didn't talk to him the rest of the time. So, maybe I'm paranoid.

I managed to find my way to the other side of the airport with two suitcases (I never thought I was high maintenance until I had to pack for the next 2 months of my life.) to the spot where the shuttle was to pick us up. Jet lag gave me a big kick at that point.  By the time we reached the Centre, they put us out in the rain for a walk. I was hungry, tired, and inevitably grumpy as I trudged around West London. I was not myself and went to bed at 7:30 PM. Then I woke up at midnight and after an hour of restless tossing finally got back to sleep.

No worries, because here comes the sun in the story. I woke up feeling great!!! The sun was out, and I was re-energized. The excitement returned and after classes, we went to St. Paul's Cathedral. It was AMAZING!!!! On our tour, we were in a special roped off part in the Quire section, and I was in total awe. So, naturally as we exit the super quiet area, I trip. And the noise echoes through the ENTIRE cathedral. Normal... however, I did NOT trip on the over 500 steps that I climbed to the top! They were pretty sketch. But the view was breathtaking. It was so incredible, I can't put what I felt into words.

On a more depressing note, Jet Lag did claim one victim: my hair. I don't know if it will ever be the same again.

 I'm pretty much a photographer thanks to my sister's camera! (Thanks, Steph!)

 Mary Poppins was here!!!

All the birds are gone because no one would pay tuppence for a bag to feed them... 

I can't believe I'm here. It is so amazing. Well, tomorrow is the Tower of London and the Museum of London... because I'm in London.