Thursday, July 5, 2012

When in Rome... Eat Gelato!

When in Rome...

  • get a purse strap tan
  • eat as much gelato as possible
  • go and people watch at a local cafe
  • haggle with everything you buy
  • be wary of creepy Italian men
  • eat more gelato
  • talk to other American tourists (they're nice)
  • learn how to be mean to ward of the guys that try to get you to buy roses
    • it was hard, but now I'm a pro: "NO!" and run away
  • when the birds poop on you, just laugh
  • eat gelato
  • give a group of tourists a spiel about the Pieta 
  • eat gelato
  • get lost in the streets (in daylight)
  • find someone that speaks English to point you the right way.
  • eat regular ice cream to remind you how good gelato is
  • Watch the sun set over the river.
  • Go see some historical ruins
  • Walk by a few masterpiece sculptures
  • enjoy the architecture
  • buy a soccer jersey of a player you don't know (remember to haggle)
  • stand in the Sistine Chapel until you can't look up anymore
  • reflect on how gorgeous the Sistine Chapel was and go through again
  • throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain
  • Take a moment to realize how amazing your Rome experience has been.
  • Oh! I almost forgot! EAT GELATO!!!! 

I love these little airport things!

Senate Forums

The real senate floor!!!

They have cool drinking fountains.. 

I saw someone else do this pose, so I copied her. 

Flirting with Italian boys = twice as much gelato

The climb up to the dome, yes, my camera is straight. 

The view from the top of St. Peter's Basilica

AHHH! I saw the Pieta in real life!!!



Spanish steps!!!!



putting a two pence coin to good use in the Trevi Fountain!

Dear Future Husband, Let's get married in the LDS Rome Temple and then take pictures at the Colosseum afterwards. Love, Your Future Wife 

Coolest Italian=Ottavio

It's just SO Italian